アメリカぷるぷるアート観光 Altruart in America

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【チラ見せ図録】ダニエル・グズマン「染色体のダメージ」Daniel Guzmán: Chromosome Damage

Daniel Guzmán: Chromosome Damage

Published by RM/Kurimanzutto
Text by Mary Doyle, Gabriel Kuri, Elizabeth Baquedano.

The drawing series Chromosome Damage, by Mexican artist Daniel Guzmán (born 1965), references the imagery and iconography of the Aztec religion. Each of the 100 drawings, in pastels, charcoal and ink, represents a single female deity morphing into a natural element.

#チラ見せ図録 #アウトサイダーアート #アールブリュット #染色体